The Centre of Bright Beginnings

Supporting your matrescence journey

Yoga | Bowen Therapy | Coaching


 Your Matrescence

Just as teenagers become adults through the passage of adolescence, women become mothers through the transition of matrescence.

This is a life-altering and irreversible transition on all levels of existence: physical, hormonal, emotional, social, cultural, economic, spiritual.

Matrescence expands beyond a mother.

At The Centre of Bright Beginnings, we believe that parents are at the centre of a societal revolution.

When a mother or a new parent rises, they uplift their family and their community.

As we support you in conscious parenting, together we are co-creating conscious change.

Your Matrescence is our focus.

We are here to walk with you through each step of the journey: from pre-conception, through pregnancy, postpartum and into parenthood.

We draw upon the ancient Vedic wisdom of Yoga, the gentle bodywork of Bowen Therapy and the autonomous art of Coaching to help you feel supported and empowered as you step into your role as a mother or parent.


Prenatal and Postnatal, Yoga for Pelvic Health


Parenthood and Matrescence Coaching

Bowen Therapy

Perinatal, Pelvic Health and Paediatric

Continuity of Care

Here for the whole journey

Most perinatal care stops at 6 weeks postpartum.

When the excitement fades

…that’s when parenthood can become challenging.

That’s why we stay with you for the ride.


The Conscious Parenting Pathway

Preconception and Postpartum Recovery

Healthy Pregnancy and Birth Preparation

Healthy, Happy Parents = Best Start for Bub

Empowered Matrescence

Your pathway is cyclical, not linear. You may enter it at any stage.

You will find that you flow through the stages in a spiral-like manner: revisiting each as you move deeper along your matrescence journey.

The ongoing journey of motherhood or parenthood might mean that you go on to have more children, or it might mean that you ‘birth’ or uncover deeper, fuller versions of yourself as you continue your exploration of what it means to be a mother or parent.

We have personalised packages to support you on this journey through Bowen Therapy, Matrescence Coaching and Yoga.

Hi, I’m Claire

I’m on my own matrescence journey.

And so far it’s been quite the ride!

  • I’ve overcome unexplained infertility, chronic pelvic pain, mastitis & more.

  • My births have been an emergency c-section followed by a VBAC homebirth.

Yoga, Bowen Therapy and Coaching have all supported me through - which is why I’m so passionate about supporting you.


A Welcoming Space in Perth

Close to Nature

Just 8 minutes up the road from Brighton Beach, with parklands around the corner, The Centre for Bright Beginnings sits at the heart of Scarborough, a beautiful beachside suburb of Perth.

Small Classes

We are a small, family-run home business and are proud of our small space, as it ensures all classes, programs and consultations maintain an intimate atmosphere where each individual’s needs can be supported.

Children Welcome

As parents, we know that you are at your best in parenting when you feel cared for yourself. For this reason, we are proud to make our services accessible by welcoming children of all ages at your class or treatment.

Whether it's a babe in arms, a toddler, a pre-schooler or a school aged child, we will make it work for you (and them).

A Few Kind Words

Claire’s explanation of the poses is fantastic and she has a great way of catering for people’s needs. She offers differing levels of each pose so that everyone can work to their full potential. I highly recommend Claire’s classes, each class was different and vibrant.
— Sharon, Group Class and Private Student
I definitely recommend for any and all stages of pregnancy, as Claire is so accommodating for your various ability levels, size of belly and any pregnancy related issues you suffer from.

The classes gave me some much-needed time to relax and focus on my body, mind and baby. A lovely atmosphere and a wonderful instructor.
— Lauren, Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga

We follow the 5 Koshas Model of Care

Join our mailing list to learn how the yogic model of panchakosha can support you, no matter where you are on your matrescence journey.

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Social Responsibility

Yoga means union or unity and its goal is liberation. We believe in collective liberation by uplifting others.

We acknowledge our privileges and seek to act with inclusivity and seva (service).

You are helping us walk together towards this goal. Every time you participate in a class, service or treatment with The Centre of Bright Beginnings, 10% of profits are allocated to the below organisations:

Shifting the yoga industry in the West through an inclusive yoga culture where diverse voices are represented and the roots of yoga are honoured
advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people’s culture within the Australian wellness community’